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Welcome to the website of the 'Kaktus-Klub' journal editorial board. The journal appears quarterly and contains information for those who are keen on cacti and other succulent plants. Here you can subscribe to the journal, read previous volumes, purchase seeds, plants and books on the topic.
Kaktus-Klub ¹3-4-2009
Russian collections : Vladimir Gorbatchov ( Saint Petersburg)
Andrei Shergin. History of Ariocarpus from its first description up to date
Dmitry Demin. Tephrocacti from seeds – easy or difficult?
Natalia Schelkunova. Mini-encyclopaedia of popular cacti and other succulents
Victor Gapon. Saint Petersburg, May 30th, 2009
Mikhail Galitsyn. «Gymnocalycium»–2009
Victor Gapon. Ice-cream leningradensis var. moscowensis
Ufa C&S club celebrated its 35th birthday!
Victor Gapon. Our calendar: 2010
Gerard Alibert. Grafting of Astrophytum caput-medusae
Alexander Laptev's pictures: «Cactus exhibition»
V. Schaedlich Gymnocalycium chiquitanum
Gymnorus ¹26
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